Research & Staff
Entrance Exam
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2021/03/20 Entrance Exam: Entrance Exam: Briefing sessions will be held in the afternoon on May 8 (Sat.) online. Details will be announced on this page in the near future.
2021/03/19 Commencement ceremony was held. Awardees of the Best Master Thesis Award and the Dean's Award are:
- Best Master Paper Award
- Ryoma Kanazawa, Yuta Shimoda, Shino Takenaka, Ryo Terada, Asuka Nagabuchi, Soichiro Higuma
- Dean's Award
- Doctor course: Liu Jiankun
- Master course: Yuta Shimoda
2021/01/29 Entrance Exam: In 2021 Entrance Exam, the successful candidates for doctor courses have been listed here.
2020/12/14 Entrance Exam: About the English examination in FY 2022 (to be held in August 2021):We require all the applicants to submit results of TOEFL-iBT® Test as an English-language competency test. We advise those who are planning to take the entrance exam to take TOEFL-iBT test at the earliest timing.
- We will not conduct a TOEFL-ITP® Test in our examination nor a substitute English-language competency test.
- We regard TOEFL iBT Special Home Edition is equivalent to TOEFL-iBT.
- We do not accept a result of TOEFL-ITP® Test.
- Note that the result of a TOEFL-iBT exam has expiration.
2020/12/09 Fifth WAIN seminar was held online.
- Self-introduction by Dr. Miki Kozaki (Assoc. Prof.)
2020/09/29 Fourth WAIN seminar was held. (online + face to face)
- My research life in Socio-Cultural Environmental Studies at Kashiwa Campus, by Shotaro Yagi(Doctor Course)
2020/09/28, 29 Midterm presentations of master students were held.
2020/09/25 Guidance for new students was held.
2020/09/18 Commencement ceremony was held.
2020/08/23 Entrance Exam: In 2021 Entrance Exam, the successful candidates for master/doctor courses have been listed here.
2020/08/18 Entrance Exam: In 2021 Entrance Exam of master course, the applicants qualified for Oral Exam have been listed here.
2020/08/10Entrance Exam: We have sent out following documents to examinees by e-mail: "Guidance for the online communication test", "Notes on Taking the Online Entrance Examination (Written Examination)", and "Notes on Taking the Online Entrance Examination (Oral Examination)". If you are an examinee and have not received the e-mail, please contact us immediately by e-mail. The contact is "admission$sbk.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp" where $ should be replaced by @.
2020/08/08Entrance Exam: If you are an examinee and not receiving e-mails on entrance examinaion, please contact us immediately by e-mail. So far, we have sent to you a file entitled "Guidance for Online Entrance Examination and Oral Examination 2020" on July 31st. The contact is "admission$sbk.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp" where $ should be replaced by @.
2020/07/22 Third WAIN seminar was held online.
- Presenters: Yukiko Ogawa (Master Course), Tiffany Sotelo (Doctor Course, Moe Kitajima (Master Course)
2020/06/16 Second WAIN seminar was held online.
2020/06/12Entrance Exam: The specification of the environment to take the online entrance exam has been posted here in the Entrance Exam information page.
2020/06/01 We welcome Associate Professor Miki Kozaki as our new faculty member appointed to Spatial Planning & Design Program.
2020/06/01Entrance Exam: Entrance Exam information page (here) has been updated. The update includes followings. (1) Flowcharts of the exam schedule are posted, (2) updated information on "Application form for entrance examination", and (3) arrival of new faculty member, Assoc. Prof. Kozaki.
2020/05/16Entrance Exam: We released the revised version of the "Information on Entrance Examination" and "Inquiry Sheet" pages in "Guide to The 2021 Entrance Examination of Master & Doctor Courses". To download, visit here.
2020/05/14Entrance Exam: In a few days, we will releae the revised version of the "Guide to The 2021 Entrance Examination of Master & Doctor Courses", which includes revision of "Information on Entrance Examination" and "Inquiry Sheet". Note that we have already decided to evaluate English proficiency in the examination of "Specialized Subjects". We do not accept TOEFL score sheets.
2020/05/02Entrance Exam: We uploaded the PowerPoint slides for briefings here. (3.5MB, in Japanese)
2020/04/30Entrance Exam: We uploaded pamphlet of our deparment. You can download it from here (7.9MB, in Japanese)
2020/04/29Entrance Exam: We are now notifying the venue (URL) of the online briefing by e-mail to registered participants. If you have already registered and you do not receive an e-mail from us for more than one day after registration, register again, or contact us at sbkbriefing[at]sbk.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
2020/04/29Entrance Exam: We updated the page on briefing sessions. View
2020/04/20Entrance Exam: Briefing sessions will be held on May 2 (Sat.) and May 10 (Sun.) online. View
2020/04/15 First WAIN Seminar was held.
2020/04/03 Guidance for new students was held online via internet.