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Entrance Exam

Entrance ExamBriefing SessionsPast ExamNotice of ResultsFAQs

Inquiry about Entrance Exam

    About the entrance examination of SCES, send inquiries to the following Email address. For inquiries about laboratories, make contact with supervisors directly.
    Contact: admission[at]sbk.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp

Frequently Asked Questions

    Q.Is a special entrance examination for applicants with overseas education offered?
    A. The SCES does not offer it. In the Specialized Subject, questions are given both in Japanese and in English, and also answers in the two languages are permitted.

    Q.How can I get the past examination booklets?
    A.The booklets for the last five years can be downloaded here.

    Q.Can I visit a laboratory after the briefing sessions for the entrance examination?
    A.Yes. Please make contact with the supervisor directly.

    Q. Do I need to submit the TOEFL-iBT test score sheet?
    A.The FY2025 Entrance Examination (conducted in August 2024) will partially be conducted face-to-face. We require all the applicants to take the TOEFL-ITP® Test conducted face-to-face as an English-language competency test at Kashiwa Campus. Various score submissions will not be accepted.

    Q.Is it acceptable to submit a TOEFL-iBT score sheet instead of taking the English written exam? Also, is it acceptable to submit TOEIC or IELTS score sheets?
    A.No. Various score submissions will not be accepted.

    Q.Can I choose any problem in the Specialized Subject for Individual Fields, regardless of the field of my desired supervisor?

    Q.Is a quota fixed for each laboratory?
    A.Yes. Therefore, an applicant is not necessarily assigned to the laboratory of his/her first choice.

    > FAQs

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